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    • Office of Distance Learning
    • UF Online
    • Center for Teaching Excellence
    • Finance Office
    • Services
    • Policies and Procedures



    ODL's mission is to expand access to UF by collaborating with faculty and staff to coordinate resources for developing and administering distance learning programs, as well as assist programs achieve alignment with in-demand skills and market demand. Some of ODL's services are centrally funded.
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    Launched January 2014 in accordance with Chapter 2013-27, Laws of Florida, requiring establishment of the Preeminent State Research University "UF Online" to offer "high quality, fully online baccalaureate degree programs at an affordable cost" to students who are either first time in college or transfer, in-state or out-of-state students.


    CTE endeavors to foster and develop a culture of teaching excellence by supporting all faculty at every career stage. In addition, CTE works diligently to celebrate the many successes of faculty in the area of teaching excellence.


    The Office of Personnel and Financial Services has fiduciary responsibility for self-funded educational opportunities, credit and non-credit. It ensures compliance with relevant UF rules and regulations and adherence to the UF handbook on business procedures.
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